Wednesday 12 February 2014

Passions & Obsessions - Action Figure Controlled Paintings with Mono

I decided to begin producing a visual analysis of my action figure from a photograph I had taken. Before I started I inserted the photograph into photo shop and changed the levels as well as making the shadows and highlights more prodominant to give an extra sense of depth and a three dimension. Using acryllic paint I developed a very controlled and realistic painting with a multitude of shadows and highlights with a short range of colours just like in todays graphic novels and comics.

After several experimentation with different mediums I decided to combine two of the more successful ones which where my conrtolled style of painting and mono printing, together as a composition. Instead of painting straight onto the mono print itself I first painted the image of the action figure onto a piece of asotate, this was very challenging as I had to paint backwards putting highlighted layers as the base colour and the darkened areas as the top layer. Once flipped and on the dry side of the asotate I used a fineliner to pick out fine detail and form to give the painting that contour comic book impression.

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